Go To Season: 2022-2023 Poster


Presentation Title: Decoding Longevity: An Ayurvedic Perspective



Mr. Madhusudan Rimal
PhD Candidate
Department of History, Classics, and Religion
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Date/Time: March 17, 2023 (7:30 PM MST)


Short Description:

The presentation looks into the Ayurvedic perspective on the longevity of humanity. Ayurveda is a household name in Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka. Ayurveda has been understood as a medical system based on herbal medicine, and it has been touted as a no-side-effect medical system understood as a science of longevity. How is the concept of longevity understood and carried in the transaction of the different timelines? What primary texts of the Ayurvedic medical system talk about it, and how does neo-ayurvedic connect it to the broader perspective of Ayurveda? The presentation will look into the significant issues, and finally, it will suggest the takeaways to the audience about the applicable Ayurvedic practices.


Speaker’s Bio:

Madhusudan Rimal is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History, Classics, and Religion at the University of Alberta, Canada. He did his Master’s in Sanskrit (specialization Buddhism) at Nepal Sanskrit University, Kathmandu, and another Master’s in Global Studies/History from the University of Leipzig (Germany) and the University of Vienna (Austria). His research area is the history of the medicine of South Asia, particularly Nepal and India, focusing on Ayurveda using Sanskrit sources.


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Go To Season: 2022-2023 Poster

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