The fee will be collected per term from each student enrolled in various programs. As each program (Nepali Language, Dance, and Music) will run independently, a separate fee will be collected for each program. The school council will determine the amount based on the number of students enrolled and the teachers/instructors required to run the classes. The fee should be sufficient at least to cover the anticipated regular expenses for the following terms EVERY Sunday a week. If Juneli School finds any unforeseen circumstances then Saturday or Google Classroom Online classes may also get engaged to run the classes.

Term 1 refers to September – December (4 months)

Term 2 refers to January – March (3 months)

Term 3 refers to April – June (3 months)

From the year 2022 onwards, the school fee(for the Nepali Language ONLY) will be accepted via Interac e-transfer at or via bank check pay deposit entitled to Nepalese Canadian Society of Edmonton with a memo INCLUDES STUDENT NAME, PROGRAM, TERM and AMOUNT

Nepali Language Classes Fees:

The $30 deposit is MANDATORY and refundable which will be paid ONLY 1 time and will be used IF and ONLY IF parents/guardians missed paying the fee for the consecutive term, otherwise if not being used will be carried over to the following term.

Term fee calculation:

For in-person classes, the per-month fee is $25 per child, and depending upon the number of months per term the term fee is calculated. For example, for Term 1 there are 4 months and each month’s fee is $25. Therefore, the term 1 fee is calculated as (4 months x $25 per month = $100). Similarly for other terms fees are calculated accordingly.

In-Person Fee Per Term Per Student

Term # Refundable Deposit (Paid only once) Term Fee (Paid before each term starts) Total Term Fee (includes refundable deposit)If a deposit already exists please pay only the term fee.
Term 1




Term 2




Term 3




Music Classes Fees:

Music classes run per term, therefore, the amount per term is $20.  And the fees per term are calculated accordingly.  Term 1 is $80, Term 2 is $60 and Term 3 is $60. The deposit is NOT applied to dance classes. Please refer above for Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3.

The music classes run in collaboration with MusicBox partner, is not paid for their contributions nor does Juneli School pay for their service. MusicBox is a completely voluntary service offered by students of UofA. Junel School greatly appreciates their amazing efforts to teach music to our children in our Juneli School. Every class is run for an hour and musical equipment was received by the MusiCounts organization

Dance Classes Fees:

Dance classes run per term, therefore, the amount per term is $20 per student. And the fees per term are calculated accordingly.  Term 1 is $80, Term 2 is $60 and Term 3 is $60. The deposit is NOT applied to dance classes. Please refer above for Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3.

Payment method:

Lastly, as a reminder, if the deposit has been utilized then for the next term enrollment parents/guardians must pay the deposit and term fee per student, applicable to enrolled Nepali language students only

Monetary transaction for a fee and/or deposit paid via e-transfer OR the VOID check is shown below.

Please email us at for any questions.

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