Membership Fees and Form

Welcome to Nepalese Canadian Society of Edmonton (NECASE)

Please fill in this form if you are interested on:

 NECASE eMail Newsletter Subscription – FREE
– NECASE General Memebrship – $15. per person
– NECASE LIFE Membership – $500 per person
– Associate Member – $10. per person
– Organizational Member – $50. per person

Membership is open to all who accept the objectives of NECASE and agree to abide the NECASE bylaws and policies. Membership for all member category is valid until December 31 st of the membership year, except for life membership, which is valid life long for the applicant.

Please use PAY PAL to pay with Credit Card:

Type of Membership
Please Enter Members Names

If you have any questions regarding membership please contact us.

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