Nepali Language Admission Procedure/Requirement:

According to our policy and approved by the Juneli School council, we will be taking only 1 admission in-take per year in August for Nepali Language class and admission happens per term for Dance and Music classes. However, if any parents/guardian wants to join the student in the middle of the session due to various reasons or transferred over from Nepal, already had a good understanding of the Nepali language. The student must go through an assessment and will be placed at the correct level for a better understanding and comfortable learning experience. The student may wait until the correct term when classes are running on his/her correct level, to make sure every student is on the same level, and at the same time to load the balance of the current class session.

Note: The student must complete 6 years of age to start the classes


Nepali Language NEW admission:

We will be taking admission/enrollment requests via the Admission Form (ONLY for new students), and School Fee and Deposit (Refundable) MUST be paid via e-transfer at .

For the EXISTING Nepali Language students:

Students are auto-enrolled to their Nepali language class level determined by the teachers unless parents/guardians request to take the student out of the school. Please send an email to for leaving the school and a refundable deposit, if applicable.

However, make sure to pay each term fee [See School Fees for more detail ]via e-transfer at


. : : For Any Admission related queries please send an email to : : .

New Admission Intake OPENS On: August 11, 2024 and Closes on September 1, 2024

Click Here For Nepali Language Class Admission Form

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